"Go into the world and share the light of Jesus Christ with Worship, Study, Service, and Spiritual Growth"

Grow Spiritually, Connect Meaningfully and Serve Joyfully

Welcome to Hudson United Methodist Church

Since 1964, Hudson UMC has become a spiritual home for people seeking to grow in Christ’s love. We are located at the corner of Hudson-Aurora and Stow roads.

Click the image below to view our live stream Sunday services on our YouTube channel.

Sunday Worship Schedule

Please join us for Sunday worship and feel free to invite a friend, neighbor, colleague, or family member!

  • 9:30-10:30 am Worship Service – In-person and live-streamed (see above).
  • 10:30 am Fellowship Time
  • 10:45 am Sunday School

Holy Communion is typically celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and everyone is welcome to participate.

Children in Worship – Our service includes a children’s sermon for kids from ages 4 years old through 3rd Grade. You’ll also find children’s worship bulletins and “activity bags” (for ages 3-8) hanging on the tree just outside the sanctuary door.

Child Care – Child care is available for infants through 3-year-olds during Worship. Child care is also offered during the Sunday School hour for infants through 2-year-olds. Each child will need to be signed in and signed out by a parent or guardian.

Hudson UMC Worship Services are on Hudson Community TV. Broadcasts of the prior week’s service will be aired from 8:30-9:30 am on Spectrum TV channel 1021. Channel content can also be streamed at hudsoncommunity.tv

Fall Sunday Schedule

  • 9:30-10:30 Worship
  • 10:30-10:50 Coffee/Fellowship
  • 10:50-11:50  Adult Sunday School
  • 10:50-11:05  Music Combo
    (Grades 6-12) NEW!!
  • 11:05-11:50  Youth Sunday School
    (Grades 6-12)
  • 10:50-11:35 Disciples Sunday School
    (Pre-K – Grade 5)
  • 11:35-11:50 Disciples Choir
    (Pre-K–Grade 5)

BIBLE STUDY TOGETHER: HUMC Online Bible-Reading Group

This group is committed to reading the Bible together in two years following a chronological, cross-reference Bible reading plan.

Readings, study questions, supplementary videos, AND access to our HUMC Fellowship Group comment board are accessible through the free Bible Study Together app. Daily readings are completed at your leisure, but as a group, we’ll be reading and commenting on the same Scripture passages on the same days.

Click Here to Join


Rally Day Sunday, 9/15
Worship with special guests, directly followed by a 60’s themed Rally Day. Ministries highlighted and plenty of treats to share.

Adult rehearsals begin Thursday, 9/5. Youth and Young Disciples groups will begin Sunday, 9/22. 

  • Chancel Choir – Rehearses Thursday evenings 7:30 – 9:00 pm and sings for worship on most Sundays.
  • Bell Choir – Rehearses Thursday evenings 6:15-7:15 pm and plays one Sunday per month.
  • Youth Music Combo – NEW!! – Grades 6-12 – Meets Sunday mornings 10:50-11:05 am to learn beginning handbell skills, mixed part singing, and incorporate musical instruments. We will sing and/or play in worship one Sunday per month, sometimes in multi-generational capacities.
  • Young Disciples Choir – Grades PreK-5 – Meets Sunday mornings 11:35-11:50 am. Sings one Sunday per month.

This is a great way to meet new people at church and to get to know your church family better. We’re organizing groups of 8 people to meet for dinner and fellowship. If you’re interested in hosting a Dinner for Eight in your home, please email Amy Pendergrass. Watch upcoming emails for sign-up opportunities to attend.

Feed My Sheep is a church-based hot lunch program on Fridays from 11:30a to 12:30p at Redeemer UMC (265 Cuyahoga Falls Ave.) in Akron’s North Hill neighborhood. A clothing room with household items is open on Fridays.

Once a month HUMC offers a choice of socks, briefs or T-shirt, a toiletry item(s) and travel-size toiletries. HUMC also supplies toilet paper, and a roll is offered everyweek with 130+ carry-out lunches. Blue collection bins are located in the narthex closet, near the hand bell cabinet.

Hudson UMC supports the Hudson Food Pantry by supplying paper towels every month for 35+ families. Staple food items requested at this time: Canned chicken, canned fruit, canned pasta (pasta sauce, rice sides, SpaghettiOs, Chef Boyardee, shampoo, and conditioner. Donations may be dropped off at the church in the gathering area. Distributions May 20.

Food Pantry Collections – 200 cans of Tuna each month. Please put your donations into the wood box near the kitchen door.

Lunches Grab & Go Lunch provides fresh, healthy meals to the community. HUMC makes 50 sack lunches and drops them off at OPEN M. 

August 19, September 23, October 28

Mountain of Food – A Direct Distribution program of the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank hosted by OPEN M. HUMC helps by filling orders and loading groceries into cars but there are non-lifting jobs as well. We usually leave around 7:45 am and return around 11:30.

 August 16, September 20

The September edition of the church newsletter is now available online

September 14th, 4:00 to 6:00 pm; featuring The Jazz Society Big Band

HUMC invites the community and congregation! Bring a chair and enjoy live music, food (grilled hot dogs & chips), activities for kids, and time with friends and family. This event will go on as planned, RAIN or SHINE. The concert will move indoors if it rains.

To accommodate the band and the audience, we ask that attendees park in the portion of Hudson High School’s parking lot that is closest to our building. There will be parking in our church lot available for those with mobility issues. The next morning, Sunday, September 15th, there will be a special service for our congregation, directly followed by a 60s-themed Rally Day with plenty of treats and memories to share.