HUMC has several musical ensembles that perform at worship and occasional special guests. Musical ensemble rehearsals are usually held on Thursday nights at the church.
- Chancel Choir: Adult choir devoted to traditional and classical hymns.
- Youth Music Combo: Grades 6-12 – Meets Sunday mornings 10:50-11:05 am to learn beginning handbell skills, mixed part singing, and incorporate musical instruments. We will sing and/or play in worship one Sunday per month, sometimes in multi-generational capacities.
- Young Disciples Choir: Grades PreK-5 – Meets Sunday mornings 11:35-11:50 am. Sings one Sunday per month.
- Wesley Ringers: The adult handbell choir.
- Flute Ensemble: A fun-loving group of flutists of all skills levels.
Please contact Sandy Simpson, our Director of Music, for questions or additional information.