Adult Study
Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
Mondays at 6:30-7:30 am
Morning Glories
Wednesdays at 10:30 am
Periodic Short-Term Studies

Sunday School Classes
Adult Classes at 10:50 am
Ties That Bind
This class is for anyone who enjoys a discussion-type format. Different sources will be used including the Bible and other religious material. Socials are planned throughout the year.
Amazing Graces
This class is a prayer, devotional, and bible study group for women.
Men’s Class
Discussion using Christian videos and books. All men are welcome, young and old.
Family Ties Class
Explores a variety of family-related issues using DVD and group discussion. We recognize the many demands of families and hope to provide a relaxed, welcoming group for individuals and couples at all stages of their faith journey. Studies are chosen so you will not feel left out if you miss a week. Some members are in the early stages of raising children while others are more experienced. Feel free to drop in anytime.
Membership Exploration Class
A short-term class for adults considering joining this church, wanting renewal of faith or making general inquiries of the Christian faith. Watch the bulletin for more information.