We’re a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world without hesitation.

United Women in Faith Sunday – Thank You!

We would like to thank all the ladies who participated in the United Women in Faith Worship Service on Sunday, April 7, 2024.  Also, many thanks to Sandy Simpson, Jinyang Tian and the Daughters of Faith Chorus for the wonderful music selections.  It was a blessing to have Belva Denmark Tibbs as our guest speaker and hear her inspirational message. We would also like to thank everyone who donated to our special offering to Crouse Learning Center Emergency Supply Center. Through your generosity, we collected over $400 that will continue to help support the school’s family resource center. Thank you for your continued support of the UWF.

2025 UWF Pledge Drive: Accolades to the Women of our Church

In 2024, 38 generous women pledged over $5800 to our Hudson UWF unit. Through these gifts and fundraising donations, we supported the following organizations: UMCOR Disaster Relief, Flat Rock Homes, Stewart’s Caring Place, Open M, Church World Service, Great Trail Council of the Boy Scouts, Mission Barn, Akron Snow Angels, Heart 4 the City, Center of Hope, Hope and Healing Survivor Center and Centenary UMC Emergency Supply Pantry. Thank you for your wonderful generosity! Our 2025 pledge drive is underway, and checks may be made payable to Hudson UMC and mailed to Hudson UMC – Financial Secretary, 2670 Hudson Aurora Road Hudson, OH 44236.

Please write UWF Pledge in the check memo line. Money raised goes to missions and outreach. Exciting activities are planned for 2025 through our service, circles, and book clubs. Look for dates and information in the G.I.F.T., in the Sunday bulletins and on the UWF bulletin board in the Gathering Area. All women of the church are welcome!!!   

Hudson United Women in Faith Sunday Worship Service

The Hudson United Women in Faith will be providing the 9:30 am Worship service on Sunday, April 27. The special guest speaker will be Hannah Howell, the Communication and Engagement Coordinator with RAHAB Ministries. RAHAB Ministries provides Christ-centered transformational services to those directly affected by sex trafficking. All women are invited to participate in the worship service as a reader, greeter, usher, or as a member of the Hudson UWF Choir. Watch for more details in future issues of the GIFT and bulletins on how you can participate in the service. 

Hudson United Women in Faith Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Mary Martha Circle will meet on Thursday, February 13 at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Elizabeth Goodin, Director of Family Ministries, will present a program on Daily Devotionals. Lunch afterwards at Aladdin’s in Hudson.

Mary Martha usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Priscilla Circle will be on winter break in February. Check back in March for information on the next meeting.

Priscilla Circle usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

Books for Breakfast will meet on Thursday, February 27 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Nancy Kralik. The book for discussion is In Their Path by Joan E. Southgate.

Books for Breakfast usually meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m.



UMW Nurture Committee Needs You!

The Hudson United Methodist Women’s Nurture Committee is a vital ministry to the members of HUMC. The Committee arranges for meals to be provided to families that may need assistance with meals following a hospitalization, health issues or a new baby, etc. There are also times when we need someone to deliver a meal. We can also have an ongoing need and would welcome new volunteers to participate in this church-wide ministry.

If you are on the email distribution list, we thank you and hope that you will remain on the list. If you have not signed up to assist with a meal from time to time but would like to be added to the email distribution list, please contact Cheryl Gamble or the church office.